Thursday, March 27, 2014

7th Grade: Animals

            Initially after reading Rikki Tikki Tavi, I thought all of the pieces we were reading or watching were going to be sweet, touching, animal tales because Rikki Tikki’s story was so heroic, followed by Binti’s story in “Primal Compassion”. It truly astounds me how motherly Binti seemed to have acted towards the child that fell. I would be interested in seeing the pictures that the grandfather took during the whole thing. Although, I was a little confused to as why the parents just stood there. If it were my kid I would have freaked out trying to get my kid back…which probably would have scared the gorilla and made everything worse. So I’m glad it wasn’t me.
            But I can see the slope we’re getting at here. Start us off all high and happy about how great animals can be and then tear us down about how awful we are to them. Touché, Barbara. Well, actually, “Tango Makes Three” was kind of a random piece in there because it was more about how the children’s book was nearly banned in many places, not so much about the penguins themselves. Although I did find it interesting how the two males, Roy and Silo, cared for the baby penguin. I’ve never really thought about homosexuality in animals. I mean some species only have one gender…what do you call them? I really think that people are too sensitive about things like this. I don’t want my future child watching gay porn, or any porn for that matter, but honestly by that point in technology, if they want to see it, they probably will whether I like it or not.
            Now off the porn subject. Yikes. Oh yeah…this downhill slope of my conscience. First of all, I love cats. Dogs are my favorite, but I do enjoy a good kitty to play with. And I think the Trap-Neuter-Release idea in “Don’t fear the ferals” is a fabulous plan. It seems to save money and then there hopefully wont be so many cats running  amuck and having to be euthanized. It just shows there are better ways out there.
            As for SeaWorld and the “Blackfish” trailer, jiminy Christmas. I’ve never been to SeaWorld myself, or really looked into it much, but I’ve only heard bad things about it. My question is, if it is so well known of what goes on there, why do people keep it in business by going there and supporting what goes on? It’s ridiculous. And based on what little I know about it, it seems pretty obvious that it wasn’t the orca’s fault what happened to the trainer. Wild animals SHOULD NOT BE HELD IN CAPTIVITY. Unless it is briefly for science’s sake, and even then it’s iffy. We have enough entertainment between cell phones, internet, TV, sports, movies, games, etc.; why do we need to entertain ourselves watching wild animals lay around in a confined area? Freaking watch the National Geographic channel or the Discovery channel if you want to see wild animals. At least they will be doing interesting things in those shows.
            “20 Pounds” was interesting to me because I love to go fishing every chance I get. However, I tend to fish well-stocked, non-endangered fishies, so I am hoping that makes it okay. I’m happy to know that this special, large, species, Lahontan Cutthroat trout is still alive and kicking.
            And then there’s “The Scarecrow”...
I don’t know if it was Chipolte’s purpose to make me cry, but it did. Those eyes on the cow as the scarecrow looked in really did it for me. So sad. This video was a good wrap up actually, regardless of its depressing song and mood, because it tore me down making me never want to have dairy again, but then it gave a good solution for the problem at the end, which I loved. “Cultivate a Better World”. And that pretty much sums up the solution for every problem we read about.

As if its that easy.

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